What is CowsAndMore ?
The aim of the project „CowsAndMore “was the development of an assistance system with which it is possible, using animal behavior criteria in free stall dairy barns. The digital root-cause analysis is based on a comparison of the individual farm with defined goals and comparison values of specific dataset. Moreover, scientific module calculations concerning animals, husbandry and management are used.
Through the digital collection of data with a tablet, technical production advice in the dairy industry will be further optimized. The objective and systematic collection of criteria and indicators in relation to behavior, disposition and metabolism if dairy cows, standardized root-causes analysis will identify weaknesses. The software will allow the further development of important approaches to optimization.
Approach to analysis of weak points
- Objective and systematic detection of animal-related parameters, the stable construction and management
- Data are analyzed using the evaluation software locally and graphed comparison with the reference values.
- Detection of weak points and their attitude related causes
- Concrete recommendations for improvement of housing conditionsRecording As a part of the evaluation, undesired deviations are marked as weaknesses I the evaluation graphs by the user. The program selects the weak point corresponding to the selected specific causes.Reasons and measuresThe user can then match measures to the selected causes